Enjoy the Alanteentie shopping street, visit market events or row in Sulkava’s Suursoudu
– we have everything you need for a good life!
Let's go souveeing in Sulukava
Every year in July, a few thousand rowing enthusiasts come to participate in Finland’s largest rowing event.

Discover the wonders of nature
Founded in 1630, the municipality has traces of settlement dating back to prehistoric times. In Sulkava’s wild ridge you will find a Stone Age settlement, rock shelters and settlement boulders, as well as armoured roads along the Salpala line. Many sites have been awarded the UNESCO Global Geopark status for Saimaa.
Vekaransalmi scenic road 438
The scenic route 438 offers something to experience and see for hikers, joggers, tourists and locals between Sulkava church village and Lohilahti. Discover the pearls in the area – go for a ride!

The soul of a Sulkava woman
A Sulkava resident enjoys the waters of Lake Saimaa and relaxing in nature. They meet at markets and get to know new people without prejudice.
The relentless Sulkava people are pulling together and working for the common good.
Relax with feather whales
Landscapes of national importance
The cultivated landscapes of Sulkava’s Lake Kuhajärvi have been a nationally valuable landscape area since 1995. Nationally valuable landscape areas are representative examples of Finnish cultural and natural heritage. They have arisen as a result of the combined effect of nature and traditional land use.

Time travel to the past
The area between the shore of Lake Saimaa and Mikkolantie road in the center of Sulkava is a tourist attraction classified as nationally significant. In this woodland area there are several mansard-roofed buildings and traditional courtyards.
Traces of the war in Sulkava
The wars have left their mark on Sulkava. Discover the armoured trails of the lightning line and several monuments around the town.